Looking for a new school? Registration is now open for grades K-8!



Principal's Welcome

Thank you for considering St. Teresa of Avila School! Our mission is to empower children to develop strong academic skills in a Catholic atmosphere. St. Teresa is not only a supportive parish community, but we are a family in every sense of the word.

At St. Teresa, we take pride in our Advanced Language Arts and Math programs, which set us apart and challenge our students to exceed expectations. We believe in empowering our students to reach their full potential and excel in their academic pursuits.

As the principal of St. Teresa since 2019 and an educator since 1998, I have cherished every moment spent at this wonderful school. The sense of belonging and the love that emanates from our community make St. Teresa a truly special place.

I invite you to be a part of our loving family and experience the warm and welcoming spirit that defines us. Please visit us and see firsthand the nurturing and supportive environment we provide for our students.

I am excited to welcome you to St. Teresa of Avila School and look forward to many more years of growth and learning together!

We hope that you will come and experience our welcoming and friendly spirit! A place where truly, every moment matters.

Jennifer Ostertag, Principal

Every Moment Matters at St. Teresa of Avila

At our school, we firmly believe that each and every moment holds immense value and significance. From the first step into our hallways to the final bell at the end of the day, we are committed to creating an environment where every student’s journey is meaningful and transformative.

During this school year, we emphasize the importance of embracing every moment. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the playground, or during extracurricular activities, every interaction, every lesson, and every experience is an opportunity for growth and discovery.

Our dedicated teachers and staff are passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of our students. They strive to create engaging and inspiring learning environments where talents are nurtured, curiosity is fostered, and character is developed.

Together, as a community, we make it a point to encourage one another to seize each moment, explore new ideas, and embrace challenges with resilience and determination. We celebrate the achievements, big and small, that shape the journey of our students.

We invite our parents to partner with us in this incredible endeavor. Your involvement, support, and active participation in your child’s education greatly enhance their learning experience and contribute to their overall success.

This school year and beyond, students will be encouraged to embrace every moment as an opportunity for growth and learning. To cherish the friendships they make, ask questions, challenge themselves, and celebrate their accomplishments. Their journey at St. Teresa of Avila School is filled with countless possibilities.

We are excited for the incredible moments that lie ahead and the memories we will create together. Let us embrace this year and every year with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to making every moment matter.

Wishing you years filled with joy, growth, and success!

Our mission is to empower children to develop strong academic skills in a Catholic atmosphere. We strive to educate, in partnership with the parents, the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. Ultimately, our mission is to enable our students to become responsible and contributing Christian members of society.