Looking for a new school? Registration is now open for grades K-8!


About Us

Our Mission

St. Teresa of Avila

Our mission is to empower children to develop strong academic skills in a Catholic atmosphere. We strive to educate, in partnership with the parents, the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. Ultimately, our mission is to enable our students to become responsible and contributing Christian members of society.

Our Beliefs

  1. We believe that home, school, and parish share a common goal to educate each child.
  2. We believe each child’s faith formation begins at home and continues to be an ongoing process which is taught, lived, and celebrated in our school.
  3. We believe that through academics, prayer, worship, and daily interactions we strive to impart to our children the Catholic traditions and faith and to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ by serving the Church and community.
  4. We believe that all children can learn and that optimal learning takes place when students are actively engaged and are in a safe and accepting environment.
  5. We believe that all children can be accepting and appreciative of others’ gifts in a culturally diverse society.

School Honor Code


On my honor, as a student of St. Teresa School, I pledge to be motivated by God in all my actions. I will be honest, show integrity and do my own work. I will treat my fellow students and teachers with honor and respect at all times. I will act in a positive manner that is helpful to others or myself. In the event that I witness an act that violates the Honor Code, I will report the act to a teacher.